Lunch Box Pasta Salad
Servings Prep Time
2-4People 10Mins
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2-4People 10Mins
Cook Time
  1. Cook the tray of chicken drumsticks to your liking (add some flavour such as lime/lemon juice and black pepper if you wish).
  2. Cook the pasta as per packet instructions (normally about 15-20 mins in boiling water). Once cooked, drain and drizzle in olive oil.
  3. Meanwhile sauté the courgette in the butter for about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Take 2 of the chicken drumsticks and remove the meat to add to the pasta (save the rest for lunch or a snack another day).
  5. Combine all of the ingredients and give it all a mix. Keep any leftovers for the next day or 2. (You can make a large batch of this and use it all week if you wish or portion up and pop in the freezer.)