How to Live for Longer

What’s the secret to living well for longer…? 

Healthy eating and keeping fit, for me, is as much about living a long and healthy life as it is about looking and feeling good now.  I’ve recently spent a wonderful few days swooshing down the slopes of these beautiful mountains and I hope so much that I can continue to enjoy actitvies such as these well into my old age.  So how can we ensure that we live the best and longest life possible? 

Well we can learn a lot from people around the world who seem to do just that.  National Geographic journalist, Dan Buettner, has identified areas throughout the world where people live longer, healthier and happier lives and termed these areas ‘Blue Zones’. 

Whilst Dan notes differing diets and lifestyles amongst these Blue Zones, he has also recognised some commonalities which he thinks we could learn from. 

In terms of diet, people in these Blue Zones share a love of:

  • High quality fats (e.g. olive oil, fish oils and fats from avocados, nuts and seeds)
  • Green leafy vegetables such as seasonal wild greens
  • Plenty of plant foods (e.g. beans and pulses, especially fava, soy and lentils)
  • Most of these communities drink alcohol, but importantly only in moderation (no more than 1-2 glasses daily and always with food and friends!)
  • Goat’s milk, yoghurt or cheese

Dan also noted avoiding overeating as a key commonality, advising an 80% rule whereby we eat only until 80% full. 

As well as nutritional similarities Dan noted the Blue Zone communities to also have:

  • A need for daily physical exercise, even amongst the elderly
  • A strong sense of familial bonding, community spirit and belonging to a ‘tribe’
  • A sense of purpose and some kind of faith 
  • A daily period of time out, prayer, meditation or taking a nap

Now I can’t promise you health or longevity, nor can anything you do absolutely guarantee it. But, if you can increase your chances of living a long and healthy life just by changing a few little habits AND enjoy the wonderful feeling that might give you along the way, then it’s got to be worth the effort don’t you think?

If you are doing lots of these things already, simply take comfort in the knowledge that you are doing what you can. If there are areas that you could improve upon, then don’t delay – if nothing else you may enjoy the added benefit of feeling great! 

Taken from ‘Liz Earle Wellbeing’ Jan/Feb 2019

For another really excellent discussion about ‘How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life’ take some time out of your day to listen to this podcast with Judy Gamen where she covers topics such as genetics, nutrition, sleep and relationships for longevity (