How to Lose Fat in January – and For Life!


So, another year rolls on and we find ourselves here again, after a month (or more) of indulgences and facing the need or desire to get in shape, lose weight, ‘diet’ or get our eating and exercise habits back in check. But what if this year you could achieve your goals, AND do it for good??

Well you can, and it doesn’t need to be as hard, painful or dull as it might sound!! If you really want to get in shape for life then follow my simple steps.

1) PLAN TO SUCCEED!! If you fail to plan you might just be planning to fail, so start with formulating your goals. What do you actually want to achieve? Next plan what steps you need to take to get yourself there – break it down into achievable steps. Finally plan and prep each week/day/hour – schedule your exercise, your meal planning and shopping. All this planning will save you time in the moment AND stop you making bad choices.

2) LOAD UP – opt for high nutrient, low calorie foods such as vegetables, fruits and salads and load up your plate with them EVERY time you eat.

3) ADD – lean proteins and healthy fats for fullness and controlled energy release (e.g. lean cuts of good quality meat, fish, pulses and beans, nuts, seeds, oils).

4) CUT – now you’re filling up on delicious, filling and nutritious foods, there won’t be much room for anything else. So ditch the high calorie, processed, poor quality foods (e.g. sweet goods, refined flour breads, pastas, pastries, confectionary, juices, coffees, etc.).

5) FAST – work up to around a 12 hour overnight fast by curbing evening eating or delaying breakfast slightly. It’s also OK to occasionally skip a meal to extend this further to assist weight management and bring about other health benefits.

6) DON’T DIET – radical, restrictive dieting can cause reductions in metabolic rates AND increases in appetite (eek, double whammy!!). Permanent weight loss requires permanent lifestyle change, so instead of embarking on harsh and restrictive regimes that are unsustainable, simply make gradual, but consistent and sustainable changes to your eating and movement patterns.

7) MOVE AND REST! – Pardon? Yes, both equally important in the fat loss process. Moving as often as you can – both with purposeful exercise and daily activities will help you to burn calories and stay in shape, but the body also needs rest and downtime to repair and grow, for internal equilibrium and efficient body system functioning, so keep the balance right. Try to reduce life stress (or at least find time or activities which remove you from it e.g. yoga) and get good sleep.

8) HYDRATE – don’t forget to fill up on water. Tea, coffee and sodas won’t cut it I’m afraid. Stick to filtered or carbonated water or herbal teas. Add some fruit, herbs or salad if you need some flavour.

9) BELIEVE – believe in and trust the process, because it will work if you stick with it. But also believe in yourself. Everybody has the ability to make change. I don’t believe that a person possesses or doesn’t possess will power. It’s all about finding out your reasons why and keeping those reasons at the forefront of your mind and your motivation high. Be proud of your new lifestyle and don’t let peer pressure, or health-shaming stop you from doing the right thing for your body and mind.

Here’s to a great start to a new year, a new decade and a NEW version of YOU!!

If you would like more help changing your eating habits, or getting in shape, visit for more information about the services on offer from Fanny’s Real Food and Fitness.